The Go Well podcast is presented by Cate Mercer, Editor/Publisher of The Art of Healing magazine, bringing you interviews that will inspire and motivate you to live your life in as healthy a way as possible and to your fullest potential. Topics cover all aspects of what it takes to be a fully functional human, including the physical (nutrition + movement), mental, emotional, social, spiritual and environmental.

Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
This week's podcast follows National Pain Week and the release of the 2021 National Pain Survey by Chronic Pain Australia, completed by 2233 people living with chronic pain nationwide. Cate speaks with Alexandra Hordern and Fiona Hudson from Chronic Pain Australia (CPA): Alexandra has family members who have experienced chronic pain for several decades, and joined the board of CPA to help amplify the voice of people living with chronic pain, and reduce the stigma people living with chronic pain face. Fiona is a Pain Management Clinical Nurse Consultant with the Hunter Integrated Pain Service NSW, Australia and has worked in all aspects of pain service delivery over the last 22 years. Fiona is currently Vice President of Chronic Pain Australia.

Monday Jul 26, 2021
PROFESSOR PAULA BROUGH: Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
In this podcast, Cate talks with Professor Paula Brough about employee wellbeing when they are working away from the workplace in their homes. Paula is Professor of Organisational Psychology and Director of the Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, and her primary research and teaching areas are occupational stress and coping, employee mental health and wellbeing, work engagement, work-life balance, workplace conflict (bullying, harassment, toxic leadership), and the psychosocial work environment. Paula assesses how work environments can be improved via job redesign, supportive leadership practices, and enhanced equity to improve employee health, work commitment, and productivity. Paula has authored over 60 industry reports, over 150 journal articles and book chapters, and has produced 9 scholarly books based on her research. Paula is an Associate Editor of Work & Stress, and is Board member of Journal of Organizational Behaviour, International Journal of Stress Management, and the BPS Work-Life Balance Bulletin. Paula is a Fellow of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology and a Fellow of the Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work.

Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
In this interview we are very grateful to Glenn Williams for sharing his story about becoming addicted to opioid prescription medication, and his experience of attending The Melbourne Clinic (a privately run addiction clinic) in Victoria, Australia. The psychiatrist he engaged with during his rehabilitation period was also Dr Steven Chau who was interviewed on the Go Well podcast: Episode 1 Season 6 podcast.

Monday Jul 05, 2021
Natalie Cook: Torrens University - Making University More Accessible
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
In this interview with Natalie Cook from Torrens University, Cate and Natalie discuss accessibility to Australia's newest university, and the range of health qualifications on offer. Natalie is a dedicated senior manager with a passion for accessible healthcare and sustainable wellbeing, Natalie brings more than 25 years of experience in higher education, and environmental NGOs. Serving as the Director of Innovation, Industry and Employability for Health and Education at Torrens University and Think Education, she applies her extensive experience in relationship management, communication and strategic direction to the student experience, ensuring that their efforts translate seamlessly into a successful career via industry immersion, integrated learning practices and innovative, updated curriculum design.

Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
This week Cate talks with Rob Prugue from People Reaching Out to People (PROP®), which is a mental health education program focused on addressing the underlying stigma often associated with depression and anxiety. “Much of mental health ‘awareness’ is littered with harmful stigma, borne out of outdated social standards, and as long as this is even partially influenced by such restrictive and debilitating social stigma, the ability to engage empathetically with loved ones, friends and workmates is compromised” says CEO Rob Prugue. Put together by recognised academics and licensed practitioners, PROP is a Tutorial Series which is delivered electronically in four modules; each module taking no more than ten minutes to read. The purpose? That through education, social stigma can be changed to empower people to engage with friends and loved ones who are experiencing depression or anxiety in much the same way as they would if they were battling with a physical medical condition. It takes a village.

Monday Jun 28, 2021
Dr Jean Spinks: Medication Safety
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
On this week’s Go Well podcast, Cate talks with Dr Jean Spinks about medication safety. Dr Spinks is a trained health economist, pharmacist and health systems researcher, and is currently a Research Fellow at the Centre for Applied Health Economics at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia. Her research focuses broadly on the integration of medication and medication services in primary care. Current projects involve the development, implementation and evaluation of an Indigenous Medication Review Service, innovative pharmacist workforce models of care, and consumer preferences for medication services. She has also published in the areas of medicines pricing, complementary medicine use and the disposal of unwanted medicines. Jean has worked in community and hospital pharmacy in Australia and internationally in the Asia-Pacific region, including in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Tonga.

Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
DR STEVEN CHAU: Pain, Opioid Misuse and Addiction
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
In this interview Cate talks with Dr Steven Chau, about prescribed medications, addiction, and what to look out for. Dr Steven Chau is a senior consultant psychiatrist at The Melbourne Clinic in Australia, and is part of the Addiction Unit Team, helping patients recover through the 28-day in-hospital rehabilitation program. He is also involved with the Psychiatric Advice and Consultation Service and provides telephone support to General Practitioners to enhance their treatment of patients with mental illness. Integral to Dr Chau’s patient-focussed care style is the development of strong professional therapeutic relationships. He sincerely believes in a holistic approach to recovery from addiction supporting the biopsychosocial model of healthcare. Dr Chau is also particularly passionate about public health promotion and enhancing mental health literacy. Dr Chau completed his psychiatry training at The Austin Hospital which allowed him to acquire experience across various unique settings including treating members of the Australian Defence Force, patients with a forensic history at The Thomas Embling Hospital, as well as patients coping with cancer.

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Counselling, Psychotherapy and Relationships: TRISH THOMPSON
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Trish Thompson is a clinical counsellor, psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice in Melbourne, Australia. Trish was formerly a secondary school teacher and then school counsellor for many years before completing her Masters of Counselling. She now works with individuals, couples and other relationship structures and has also facilitated therapy groups for many years. Trish has taught in a number of counselling training programs, including the Bachelor of Counselling program at the Australian College of Applied Psychology. She has worked in a number of community based settings, particularly with the LGBTIQ+ community.

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Therapeutic Arts Practice, EMMA VAN DAAL
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
In this interview Cate talks with Emma Van Daal about Therapeutic Arts Practice. Emma is a psychotherapist and arts therapist who is passionate about supporting infants, children and families, and adult women moving through the challenges of life, mental health, and relationships. She is especially passionate about the field of trauma, particularly early life trauma, with a strong interest in early intervention. Emma has recently finished her Professional Doctorate in Therapeutic Arts Practice using arts-making-as-inquiry methods to inquire into the lived experiencing of anorexia which includes a graphic novel. Emma lives in Melbourne, Australia with her partner, has far too many art projects on the go, and is about to open a new practice approaching children's and family mental health in a creative and play-full way.

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Emotional Female: YUMIKO KADOTA
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
All Yumiko Kadota ever wanted was to be a surgeon. Young, gifted and dedicated, Yumiko graduated her medical degree with Honours, and was well on her way to becoming an outstanding plastic and reconstructive surgeon. She spent fourteen years studying, working 70+ hour weeks, on call for days at a time, working at numerous hospitals across two states, doing whatever was asked of her – because that’s what was needed to become a doctor. Work life balance was non-existent. Her personal life was one of bargaining with friends and loved ones, a constant cycle of cancelling plans and making up for them. In 2018, she quit. Fourteen years of working towards her dream had taken its toll: the mental, physical and emotional strain had brought her to a tipping point.
In this podcast Presenter Cate Mercer talks with Yumiko about the years she spent working in a world where she needed to stay calm and professional in the face of racism, sexual harassment, sexism, chauvinism, discrimination, favouritism, ageism. A world enshrouded by a professional code of silence. Where the pressures and stresses of heavy workloads drove people to suicide. Where people were afraid to report inappropriate behaviour. Where Yumiko fantasised about the level of injury required for her to be exempt from performing surgery.